
Wednesday • July Thirty-First • Twenty Twenty-Four • Umbrella

Umbrella I fully believe everything happens for a reason. And to always have an umbrella handy. Because, honey... You know when it rains, it pours. Some days the rain stops all together and the sun is able to shine through upon your face without a care. Then there may be days you don't even have the strength to hold the umbrella once the rain starts. Instead, you fall to your knees, begging for the rain to stop. Pleading with the unseen forces that make the storm To lighten up just a little so you can find your umbrella That got snatched from your hands in the unexpected wind gusts. You search and search, but the rain continues to fall. They carried away your umbrella in the water along the winding road.  Maybe someone would be gracious enough to make space for you under their umbrella. A brief relief from having to hold yours up for so long as the monsoons hit. And sometimes you'll have your own umbrella space to share... But you can't let too many people under the shelter

Thursday • July Eleventh • Twenty Twenty-Four • Maybe Tomorrow

Wednesday • June Tenth • Twenty Twenty-Four • Surrender

Wednesday • July Tenth • Twenty Twenty-Four • The Match & The Bomb

Monday • July Eighth • Twenty Twenty-Four • A Love Note to My Friends...

Monday • April Twenty-Fifth • Two Thousand Eleven

Friday • July Twenty-Fourth • Two Thousand Nine



Monday • January Seventeenth • Two Thousand Five

Some exboyfriends should die. Oh wait. He already 'did.'

Tuesday • March Thirtieth • Two Thousand Four