Monday • July Eighth • Twenty Twenty-Four • A Love Note to My Friends...

A Love Note to My Friends...

I have always had issues believing in myself. 
Self-esteem, self-confidence, including mental health.
After some time, I realized just how lucky I am.
I've never had so many good friends just sit and hold my hand.
I am incredibly blessed to feel this amount of love.
Y'all have helped me in my struggles with a gentle shove.
A gentle push to remind me that tough love is necessary.
That you do it in trust, love, and it's shouldn't be thought as scary. 
You would each look me in the eye and tell me all my worth.
I'm thankful we've been put together on this planet Earth.
I get into the struggles of darkness, and right there is your hand. 
No matter how many times it happens, you always pull me upright to stand. 
You remind me I'm good, kind, beautiful and smart.
That I'm a unique, unrepeatable, wonderous work of art.
I fully believe soul mates can be a friend as well.
A friend for life, through thick and thin, through high water and hell.
Near or far or in-between, you are ever present and there.
From feelings, jokes, memes, reels, nails, and even hair.
We can go from speaking and calling each other every single day
From not talking for months and picking up where we left to say -
"I love you, you're amazing, and hey, nice butt!"
To "I need you, I'm sorry that I haven't made the cut."
Time hasn't skipped a beat and the conversation can last.
It always picks up exactly where we left off in the past.  
The love between friends is different than relationships.
It feels we were friends from lives passed, attached at our hips.
The selfless love y'all give freely means the world to me.
I do my best to give it back three-fold for y'all to see.
Lifetimes past, it's an immediate, soul quenching bond.
With y'all I have forever friends of which I'm grown so fond.
I love you all so very much, Truly I am grateful.
Please remember you are so loved and for loving me, I'm thankful!
